MEDIA CONTACT: Cody Hefner (513) 608-5777,

Meet a new breed of superhero in Superpower Dogs

Four-legged stars light up the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater at Cincinnati Museum Center

CINCINNATI – What if our best friends are our best hope? 辛辛那提博物馆中心最新的OMNIMAX®电影展示了一些世界上最神奇的狗的救生超能力和非凡的勇气. Superpower Dogs opens November 23 in the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater.

An IMAX Original Film, Cosmic Picture's <em/>Superpower Dogs Presented by MARS Petcare

从地中海的水域和加利福尼亚海岸的海浪到不列颠哥伦比亚省的山脉和非洲的大草原, 在一场身临其境的OMNIMAX®冒险中,与拯救生命的卓越狗狗见面,并发现它们与人类伙伴之间的强大纽带. 这部电影揭示了他们非凡能力背后的惊人科学, ensuring that we’ll never look at our best friends the same way again.

Superpower Dogs 摇尾巴能证明科学就在我们身边,并以惊人的方式表现出来吗,” says Elizabeth Pierce, president and CEO of Cincinnati Museum Center. “我们很高兴与我们的客人分享这一令人难以置信和鼓舞人心的冒险, four-legged stars show us that heroes come in many forms.”

Chris Evans narrates the film and introduces you to its stars:

  • Halo, a Dutch Shepherd training as a disaster response dog. Halo在全国各地的设施训练,成为佛罗里达特遣部队1的成员, one of the most elite search and rescue teams in America.
  • Henry photo亨利是一只边境牧羊犬,在不列颠哥伦比亚省的惠斯勒担任雪崩搜救犬. Henry’s weekly training includes search and rescue practice, transportation by snowmobile, toboggan, chairlift and on his handler’s shoulders, as well as helicopter insertion and extrication.
  • Reef, 一只纽芬兰犬和意大利水上救援犬学校一起工作. Reef is an instructor dog, 帮助其他狗发展他们天生的救援本能来拯救人类的生命. She can deploy from a boat or helicopter, 能不累地游上几英里还能在水里拖着40倍于自身体重的东西.
  • 弹跳,一只金毛猎犬,也是美国最受欢迎的治疗犬之一. In 2009, 他和一个四肢瘫痪的男孩一起跳上了冲浪板,此后他和数百人一起冲浪, a true SURFice dog. 她提供犬辅助冲浪,以增强和提高个人的生活质量与身体, 认知或情感障碍,是两个冲浪狗名人堂的成员.
  • Tony and Tipper, 猎犬兄弟与肯尼亚野生动物管理局合作,保护莱瓦野生动物保护协会的居民, particularly endangered rhinos and threatened elephants. 托尼和蒂珀是专业的追踪者,帮助逮捕了40多名偷猎者和许多其他罪犯, including cattle raiders. Their evidence is actually admissible in Kenyan court, 使它们成为动物王国中唯一有权在审判中作证的成员.

“这部电影将这些狗世界的‘奥林匹克运动员’定位为像鲸鱼或老虎一样充满异国情调,像美国队长一样英勇,” says Daniel Ferguson, writer and director of Superpower Dogs. “OMNIMAX®格式是如此发自内心和身临其境,人们会觉得他们生活在这些戏剧性的救援中,他们甚至有机会通过狗的眼睛和耳朵看到和听到世界是什么样子.”

The 47-minute film, from IMAX Entertainment, Cosmic Picture and presenting sponsor Mars Petcare, 是用特殊的IMAX摄影机在两年半的时间里为大屏幕拍摄的.

Superpower Dogs opens November 23 in the Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater. For more information visit


About Cincinnati Museum Center
辛辛那提博物馆中心(CMC)在联合航站楼是一个国家认可的机构和国家历史地标. Dedicated to sparking community dialogue, insight and inspiration, 2009年被美国博物馆与图书馆协会授予国家博物馆与图书馆服务奖章,2012年获得美国博物馆联盟认证. CMC是全国少数几个同时拥有这两项荣誉的博物馆之一, making it a unique asset and a vital community resource. 联合航站楼被美国建筑师协会评为美国第45座最重要的建筑. Organizations within CMC include the Cincinnati History Museum, Duke Energy Children's Museum, Museum of Natural History & Science, Robert D. Lindner Family OMNIMAX® Theater and Cincinnati History Library & Archives. 被福布斯旅行者杂志评为全国第17大参观人数最多的博物馆, CMC welcomes more than one million visitors annually. For more information, visit

About Cosmic Picture
“宇宙图景”力图使最引人入胜的电影体验成为可能,并以意想不到的方式改变人们对宇宙的看法. 过去的电影包括屡获殊荣的IMAX和巨型屏幕制作,以及具有巨大社会影响的变革性环境纪录片. For more information on Cosmic Picture, visit

About IMAX Corporation
IMAX, an innovator in entertainment technology, combines proprietary software, 建筑和设备创造的体验,带你超越你的座位边缘到一个你从未想象过的世界. 顶级电影制作人和工作室正在利用IMAX影院以非凡的方式与观众建立联系, and, as such, IMAX网络是全球最重要、最成功的大型电影影院发行平台之一. More information about the company can be found at You may also connect with IMAX on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.

About Mars Petcare
Mars Petcare is a diverse and growing business with 75,在50多个国家拥有超过5000名员工,他们致力于一个共同的目标:为宠物创造更美好的世界™. With 75 years of experience, 我们拥有近50个品牌,满足全球宠物的健康和营养需求,其中包括PEDIGREE®品牌, WHISKAS®, ROYAL CANIN®, NUTRO™, GREENIES™, SHEBA®, CESAR®, IAMS™和EUKANUBA™以及沃尔瑟姆宠物营养中心,该中心在宠物营养和健康方面进行了50多年的先进研究. 玛氏宠物护理也是一家领先的兽医健康服务提供商,拥有超过2家宠物护理机构,000 pet hospitals including BANFIELD™, BLUEPEARL™, PET PARTNERS™, VCA™ and Linnaeus. We’re also active in innovation and technology for pets, with WISDOM PANEL™ genetic health screening and DNA testing for dogs, the WHISTLE™ GPS dog tracker, 以及LEAP VENTURE STUDIO加速器和COMPANION FUND™项目,推动宠物护理行业的创新和颠覆. As a family business and guided by our principles, 我们拥有得天独厚的灵活性,为我们的信念而战——我们选择为:为宠物创造更美好的世界™而战.